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one year of singleness.

A year ago, I experienced a harsh breakup. I was going through many transitions in my life: moving cities, starting a full time job, living at home, and trying to make lasting friendships. There were many challenges I've experienced in the last year. I have truly been able to see now, one year later, how grateful I am for that breakup. I have met some of the most incredible friends I could ask for. I succeeded in my first job position and have started a new job with much more ease. In this last year, I took the leap of living alone. It has allowed me to find comfort in being by myself. I have gained a new confidence in who I am as an individual, as well as what I expect from a partner.

Witnessing the love my parents share, has given me high standards, but I didn't truly live those out when I first started dating in college. This realization is more so about who I was, and the many insecurities I had about myself. I became dependent on the relationships I was in and was convinced I wouldn't be able to survive without another person. How I see myself now is much different.

I know that I will not settle for anything less than a powerful love. A love rooted in friendship and perseverance. I am confident in myself and my life without a partner. I very much look forward to sharing my happiness and joy for life with another individual one day, but also know that what another person has to offer will never be something I can live without.

Relationships take work and sacrifices. I believe in the greatness that comes from relationships and fully understand that the year I have lived through and the years that lie ahead have prepared and will continue to prepare me for a love that I deserve and can grow in. I also know that through accepting singleness, I have been able to experience life in a way that I would not have received otherwise and I am extremely grateful for that.

Whether you are experiencing singleness for the first time, or you feel that it may not be a season, I hope you can see just how much singleness can allow us to grow into the best version of ourselves. It is such a gift to grow in self-love. A gift that many people spend their entire lives trying to find in other people or things. Find it in yourself and don't let it drift away. Love yourself boldly, and see the powerful way it allows others to love as well.

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