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Plant, Bloom, Grow

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Where is my life going?" or "I don't what's going on or what I even want anymore?"

Well, my friend, you're not alone.

These questions are incredibly common for college aged students, and I have these questions often spiraling around my mind.

The root of these questions though can be answered with... Where are you planted?

Although I like to think that I have my life in order and all together, I am constantly stopping myself in the middle of the tracks while being stormed by questions of the future. These questions create fear, and within the fear... I am planting anxiety. When I let myself plant anxiety, I dig a deeper hole into my worst self - shaky, sleep deprived, lack of an appetite, and constantly overworking myself.

These are the common traits of my own anxiety, but everyone's is different, as is everyone's seed. When the questions of "Where is my life going?" and "I don't what's going on or what I want?" arise, I need to think of what I am planting, or even, where am I planted?

The truth is, I want to be planted in Christ. And through planting myself in Christ, I have planted the seed of love. Through this seed, I begin to bloom in love, making myself a vessel of Christ. This seed planted in Christ, is blooming through self love, and will continue to grow to plant that love in others.

This is not an easy process. And I am not fully grown yet. In fact, we're always growing and we're always planting seeds. It is up to each of us to decide what seeds we want to plant within ourselves and within others. Are they seeds of love and acceptance, or hate and judgment? Regardless of what the seed may be, it will bloom, and it will grow. Can I look in the mirror and see the seeds as beautiful flowers?

For me, this process has started with self love. I have to love where I live, being the beautiful body God created for me, in order to plant seeds elsewhere. As I am continuing on this journey and becoming confident and full of love for my skin and body, I am able to fall more in love with the uniqueness God created in me. Through this acceptance and love for myself, I am gaining that acceptance and love for those around me.

So, as I stop and think of being planted in Christ, my fears and anxieties for the future start to fade because my trust in Christ blooms. I understand that although I do not know His plan for me, He already has a plan for me. And from my knowledge of the Lord and what He is capable of, my future is a beautiful garden.

As I said before, we bloom where we are planted. So my sweet friend, where are you planted?

xoxo, mal :)

©2018 BY LUCY.

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