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i am wounded.

I am wounded.

The other day in mass, the priest centered his homily around those three words, “I am wounded.” He talked about how he was at a dinner one night with many people he didn’t know, and once he had mentioned that he was a priest, the people at the table started sharing stories about their wounds and challenges they’ve had. These strangers found comfort in letting the priest into their wounded lives. It’s amazing how fast we can connect with others through sharing our deepest struggles. Those three words made me think of the life I’ve lived and the wounds on my still beating heart.

As an upcoming sophomore in college, i have been wounded by many things: lack of self love, fear of not being good enough, the daily desire to impress others, losing loved ones too soon, self control, & lost friendships. We have wounds that take up a great amount of space for those experiences that hurt more and take longer to heal. And we have wounds that like a paper cut, sting like a bee but only for a day. We all have wounds, big and small. And although we aren’t defined by our wounds, they make us who we are. Once we accept our wounds and the battles we’ve fought through and lived… we will find it much easier to open up to others.

It is through our wounds that Christ shines through. And in His light, we are more open to love -- love ourselves, others, & Jesus. Accept your wounds and share your story with others, because through sharing our brokenness with others, we are made whole in love.

©2018 BY LUCY.

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